Saturday, 9 February 2008


Am going to Norway tomorrow with Charlie and Aimée and am very excited. Anyway, me, Hattz and Aimz went to Pizza Hut for dinner last noght cause we've got a little tradition that at the end of evrery term or half-term we go get something to eat together. Sadly One-Pint-Pete wasn't there. I MEAN, WHAT DO WE PAY HIM FOR! Well we don't but anyway...

We all somehow got convinced that Mr Dalek was lurking around and when somebody knocked on the window, me and hattz nearly died thinking it was him. Twas however not. I couldn't sleep last night as I was convinved he was levitating outside my window. Too much pepsi, methinks.

And today, I've frantically been trying to get cwk done and get all my skiing stuff ready. i find it really funny, how me, Aimz and Charlies families get ready.

Aimz's family get ready about a week before
Charlie's family maybe get ready a day or two before
My family rush around at the twelfth hour getting everything ready. As I am typing this at 17:31, and were leaving in 12 hours time for LONDON!, we haven't packed. On the plus side I have got some new skiing goggles. I wanted some from this really cool skiing shop but it was CLOSED. So I got some from Blacks instead.

Anyway, I will love you and leave you.


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