Anyway..we are all off to our respective destinations...
1) Aimz- Whitemead (i think that's how you spell it..:S)
2) Hattz- Morocco
3) Me- Brighton
It really is because we're so cool (Y)
I got a free easter egg today...which is always nice.
Oh and to keep you all is a letter I wrote to Hattz when I was doing *exam revision*...coughcough....
To Harriet,
See! I said I owuld write you a letter! Ha! I remembered! Loads of people are doing exams at the moment but some silly people are being noisy. The time is 10:35 - imagine that being said in a talking clock voice. How amazing would it be if your job was being the talking clock:
“And what do you do for a job?”
“I am God Almighty I am the talking clock”
What a super conversation starter old bean. And a great retort; “YEAH? Well my mums the talking clock!”
Fabulous. Unbeatable, really. It’s actually quite warm in here. This is because Aimz’ dad complained to say it was unfair that we had to work in freezing cold. The Mighty Boosh is on tonight! I really want to go see it in Birmingham. We should go. It is 10:42. I’ve got one more exam to go. I’ve done quite a lot of revision for it so I hope it goes well. It is actually warm enough that my hands aren’t blocks of ice, but there are still icicles stick to my hand. I have cooking tonight. Yay! (Geek). And I may also write a post on the interweb. In between celebrating that my exams have finished by ingesting a large amount of choccy. And possibly seeing the Golden Compass, possibly.
Mrs Wilks has just come in. Looks like a spot of trouble. Ahh well. Oh and the invigilators aren’t happy as three candidates were caught cheating as they levitated to peer at other people’s answers. Not really. Well, maybe. It would be uber cool if they had. It is now 10:49. Time is ticking. You are in history at the moment. Check out mine and Sam’s newspaper - Buy One Cowboy, Get One Free. I heart Cowboys etc, etc, as Shakespeare used to say to my mum. That would also be cool. And funny. I hope you watch Ugly Betty tomorrow.
Oh, and Sam has created a dong about Snape: Snape’s a barbie girl, he just loves to twirl, it’s fantastic… and then my mind turns blank as to what is next of Samantha’s lyrical genius. Bless him. It is now 10:56. I’m wondering how long this will take you to read, my estimate is not very long. Maybe 4.27 minutes?
Harriet. Me you and Aimz should meet up to celebrate David Tennant’s appearance on Top Gear. I don’t care which house. You guys could come to mine. Yay! Rave! Woah, almost excess ise of exclamation marks there! Have to be careful.
Many people in this hall appear to be dead. Hmm, worrying. Lalalalalalalalalala, there’s no turning back, I’m working nine til five. Oh God! Why is that in my head? Grr. Very annoying. It is now 10:59. How exciting. Some people are actually revising. Shocking. I would like a hedgehog as a pet. Luke gave me the address of somebody who has them but the parentals aren’t too keen. I can see Aimz concentrating hard on her drama exam. People keep walking around and it’s really distracting. Hmph.
I have almost finished my Christmas cake. I just need to put the decorations on. Me and Robert were lazy & have gone for bells - minimal effort required. I have just found the clock is 3 minutes fast so all the times I have given you were wrong by three minutes. OK? Otherwise they ain’t worth diddly-squat, as Leonardo DaVinci used to say.
The time is now 11:12 id I take 3 minutes off that wretched clock. The invigilator came round and read your letter. I was worried she’d report me but she said nothing. Perhaps she thinks me a genius but I doubt it. SHE KEEPS WALKING PAST! It’s now 11:15. Hopefully it will be time to go soon. I’m watching the invigilator like a hawk on prozac. I’m convinced that she will report me and I will be behind bars for the rest of my life. Ahh! I want to be free and happy! Oh, God, she’s coming over. Got to go!
Love you!
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