Friday, 28 December 2007

Female, over 5, wishes to speak to friends.... you may be able to tell from the title, I miss Hattz and Ro! We are three lonely spirits, fighting to be together, yet fate is keeping us apart. what I mean is that we're lazy sods who can't be bothered to phone each other. lol. I'm gonna phone Hattz in a min.

I was watching Spy Kids 3 today and have decided that I wanna be a spy. Not like a ultra cool, don't careish spy like JB, more like one of the Spy Kids or Alex Rider. Speaking of Riders, I'd actually prefer to be a Dragon Rider like Eragon. How cool must it be to fly that fast? (I got the DVD for Crimbo, I adored the books).

Why do people persist on getting me handbags? WHEN do i carry a handbag? Or it's betty boop stuff. Now SHE is a tart.

Did anyone else get a satsuma in their stocking? I did, again.

I also got a kg of dairy milk!

gtg now, lol

luv ys,

A xxx

1 comment:

hattz said...

i don't think i was there was I? sorry my darlink. post and double post with knobs on no returns on your other blog.