Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Kylie is a slut.

Did you watch the Doctor Who Christmas spesh on... Christmas? If so, you will know that Kylie's character Astrid Peth (what kind of a name is that?) was very slutty. Looksies:

DT: ... You should see me in the mornings.

Kylieslut: OK...

What a SLUT! Mind you, he did look a bit pleased. Grr. Heggo to my lovley Ro and Aimz. It has only been 5 days, but I miss you both. Please call me, I'm lonely.

For Christmas my lovely family gave me (among other things) Richard Hammond's book, and a David tennant calendar, which I believe somewhat pips Rosie's poster, don't you? And a top which I'm wearing now, which says "LEAVE ME ALONE". How apt.

I hope you had a gorgeous Crimbo. Have a great 2008.

I am running short on Myspazz friends. If you have Myspazz, find me. You know where to look: David Tennant and so on.

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